Member Services
Working in partnership with the Chamber and local economic partnerships to support local business growth | Monitor and report trading, vacancy and footfall figures | Provide collective schemes for procurement and loyalty which are cost-effective.
Creating an environment which allows businesses to prosper is vital and encourages inward investment.
Promoting Chichester as an attractive and viable place in which to do business | Marketing Chichester through a visitor map, B2B newsletters and much more | Branding the City Centre in a new partnership with Visit Chichester to help, along with continued regional City Centre marketing, to build brand loyalty for repeat business | Advertising the destination with both traditional and digital tools | Organising strategic events such as Independents’ Month, Student Week and promotions and trails throughout the year | Providing the annual Christmas Lights and Festivities, lighting and decorating the Rotary Tree at the Cross, summer hanging baskets, street cleansing, chewing gum removal and more.
Safer City
Contributing financial support to the successful ChiBAC (Chichester Businesses Against Crime) crime reduction scheme to provide access to a secure information-sharing website for BID Members | Working in partnership with ChiBAC to provide an enhanced policing presence | Engaging a BID Ambassador to provide support and advice on parking, markets and signage and ensure the business voice is heard | Collecting data weekly to provide members with consumer and visitor insights by measuring footfall, foot flow and dwell-times around the City.
A safer and more welcoming environment is essential for people to work, shop, visit and invest in any city.
Representing the private sector voice to West Sussex, District and City Councils | Helping to brand, market and promote Chichester further afield as a key visitor destination by working more closely Visit Chichester | Networking with the Chichester Chamber of Commerce and Industry to build BID member skills, confidence and opportunities.