Organised and Safer Streets
We will continue to:
– Partner with Chichester City Council to provide floral displays in the summer months
– Maintain way finding tools within the city to enhance the visit experience
– Deliver a Crime Reduction partnership, supporting all businesses in their fight against crime and disorder
– Help keep the city centre’s buildings clean and free of graffiti where and when it crops up
– Deliver a void retail space visual programme that both enhances the city scape and also gives an opportunity to promote local businesses /organisations
What’s New?
Support Crime Reduction. We will deliver an evolved Crime Reduction partnership, offering improved value for money and more flexible services for all BID Levy Payers
Foster improved local police relations. We will also work more closely with the local police to ensure we foster productive and effective relationships between the business community and local law enforcement
Flower Displays. We are planning to work with partners to augment the floral displays in Chichester throughout both the summer and winter months. We believe the city is visually enhanced through the provision of displays and we will seek to increase the current floral footprint
Improving the Markets. Chichester, as a Market City, has a strong heritage and we will actively work with Chichester District Council to ensure we bring innovative and footfall driving markets to the centre of the city, that will deliver a differentiated offering to complement the city traders rather than replicate.
Read on for more details on some of these campaigns…
Street Cleaning
We provide street cleaning to supplement the cleaning efforts provided by the District Council. While the council is responsible for keeping highways and public areas across the district clean and tidy from a litter picking perspective, the Chichester BID street cleaning team focus on deep-cleaning tasks such as heavy-duty pavement washing as well as chewing gum removal.
In association with the City Council, the BID team fund the installation and maintenance of floral and topiary displays throughout the city streets to create an appealing backdrop to showcase Chichester’s history and culture as well as the vast array of activities and retail experiences it has to offer.
Signage & Wayfinding
Working with relevant local authorities, we are always looking at ways to improve signposting in the city centre to help visitors get to their chosen destination while also encouraging people to explore periphery streets where there is less footfall.
Flags & Bunting
We run an annual flag and bunting programme from May – November to add extra colour and vibrancy to the streets.
Business Crime Reduction Partnership BCRP (ChiBAC)
ChiBAC (Chichester Businesses Against Crime) is a crime reduction scheme. The scheme aims to deter crime and provide support to BID Levy Payers.
Working in partnership with Sussex Police Prevention, the scheme has a radio channel as well as a secure website and app with galleries of prevalent shoplifters and those on pub bans. Businesses can use these channels to report all incidents directly to the police. The radio channel can also be used to communicate with fellow businesses to alert each other of any potential threats or anti-social behaviour.